#1 Courtesy of Mike Liu - https://www.flickr.com/photos/mliu92/2897845702 Courtesy of Mishimoto - https://www.flickr.com/photos/mishimoto/4086675375/ Courtesy of Donnie Ray Jones - https://www.flickr.com/photos/donnieray/14637002271

Babies need 8-10 diapers a day,
which can cost more than $100 each month.

Why Diapers?

Learn why we care so much about diapers.

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Get Involved

Give back to your community with a diaper drive.

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Need Diapers?

If your children need diapers, we want to help.

Get Diapers

Support Our Cause

Your donation to Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank allows our organization to purchase diapers for families in need at a discount. Your contributions ensure that Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank is able to provide the sizes most in demand, which are not always collected at local diaper drives. Every dollar makes a difference.


Our Mission

Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank cares for the community by meeting the basic, essential, monthly needs of Alabama families.


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